SEIO Agent
After the service, please re-run the Application Install Mobile T-money to use, non-cached, including the information on the Smart Touch USIM.
Version: 3.8
Program available in: Korean
Program license: Free
Program by: SKTelecom
SEIO Agent is an Android app developed by SKTelecom (서울특별시 중구 을지로65(을지로2가) SK T-타워). Others apps created by SKTelecom are: Mobile T world.
SEIO Agent first became available on 09 Jul 2013. It is estimated that SEIO Agent has been downloaded between 10000000 and 50000000 times from the Play Store.
SEIO Agent 3.8 requires the following permissions:

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Assistive Touch
Protect home button & volume button, access all setting quickly, speed booster.
Smart Touch
You can experience a variety of services, such as credit card and mobile phone traffic using USIM card payment through Smart Touch APP.
AhnLab V3 Mobile Security
No.1 AntiMalware(Cleaner/Booster/App Lock/Hidden Gallery/SMS Detection/URL Scan)
Regardless of mobile carrier, anyone can use the end of contact management!If you change or lose your device, you can easily restore your contact information.